An accounting of Face of Justice

God does not ask us to do great things.
He simply asks us to obey so He can do
great things through us.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Red Light Street

Without Jesus there is no true Justice!

In the 17th century Amsterdam was the main trading market in the world. Ships came in and out, and with that came also sailors who after months out on the water were desperate for female company and to satisfy all their needs.                                                                                                                                    
For a while this made the sailors go to the young dutch women to get what they wanted, and this lead to rape and other sexual exploitation. And in reaction to that the Christian church proposed a plan to instead of putting their own dutch girls at risk, they should get girls from other countries to put in their place. These girls were put inside of the windows to keep it in the open and then under control. So an unofficial policy of tolerating this business was adopted. As long as the women worked inside and were not standing in the door openings they could do their business. Women made potential customers aware of their presence through a small opening between the curtains and a soft knock on the window.
As the years went by the curtains opened more and more. And with the less strict sexual morality of the sixties and seventies the tolerance towards prostitution increased even more...

Shine Seminar 2011 !
We started out the Shine Seminar here in Amsterdam with a teaching in Prophetic Justice & Intercession! 
Around the world there are many other organizations that work with Injustice issues with a humanistic point of view, but we know that there is NO message of Justice without the Gospel. 
A girl taken out from a life on the streets might seem to be set free, but it is not until God comes with His healing to her heart that she will receive real Freedom.
Justice is not a human idea, but divine, comes from God.

"In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth." Isaiah 42:3-4

Intercession "It's not about us praying to God, but God showing His heart to us through prayer."
God's calling for all of us is to pray and again we were reminded of the importance of basing our ministry on prayer. We want to stand in the gap for the people we meet, and we hope that also you can be part of our ministry by interceding for and with us.
Our schedule is really full, between work duties, lectures, the research project, outreach in the red Light Street & Intercession our week went really fast.

We are really excited to be here and we look forward for what God wants us to learn the next weeks. 
We will update every week so you can keep track on what the Lord is doing with our ministry.

Ingrid Rong & Paola Arce 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, Ingrid and Paola. Oh, how I long to be there. My time is quickly coming, I know. I am so proud of you. This is exactly God's perfect plan for our ministry. He wants us filled with vision and wisdom, seeking His heart in all things. Let's talk soon.
