An accounting of Face of Justice

God does not ask us to do great things.
He simply asks us to obey so He can do
great things through us.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Creative Justice

The month of September is proving to be a very big month for Freedom Street Ministries.  We have two big events happening. The first is Justice and Media Month, which is a conference on justice issues and training in video production, journalism and other aspects of media.

This is a poster detailing the subjects and schedule of each week. We believe this is just a small beginning of what God wants to do in the future with justice and media from YWAM San Jose and out of Freedom Street Ministries.

The second big event goes along side the first one perfectly. On September 17, filmmaker Nathan Elliott, I Am Active, Jacksonville, FL, to help Elizabeth Gilroy produce a documentary on human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children in San Jose and throughout Costa Rica.

Our goal is to present this issue as it exists and how it is impacting this beautiful country. 

The students of the Justice and Media Month will participate as crew for the documentary team.

We need your prayers to help make all this happen. Please join us in prayer this month in particular as we go into government offices, network with NGOs and on the streets to gather footage for this project.

We also have other opportunities you to help us. We need to raise $6,000 to accomplish this task. Although the whole crew will be working on a volunteer basis, it is still necessary have funds available for this project. If you are able to help us, please do so at the link on the side of this post.

Also, we have teamed up with I Heart Jesus, who has agreed to give all profit from the selling of bracelets to this project. A link is also available on the side of this post. These are designed specifically for this project and our ministry.

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